Professional Coaching

Your individual professional development in the spotlight

There are moments in your career when you are not sure about your way forward. You know as a professional you contribute to the goals of the organisation, yet you have been in this role for some time now and want to understand what your potential is, what your next step could be.
You might have run into difficult situations in the workspace without the ability to solve them, and you want to be able to do so the next time something similar happens.
Or your manager just told you that you will be promoted to a next position, and you feel you could use some additional skills and perspectives to fulfil this position.

Whenever you experience these or similar questions, a series of individual coaching sessions can give you insights and a new foundation for the next steps in your career development. The coaching will contain fixed structural elements, yet will be fully tailored to your specific situation and questions. Focus will be fully on your professional development.

Learning Objectives:
The learning objectives of your coaching are totally dependent upon your personal goals. However, some frequently addressed objectives are focus on your own professional ambition, your strengths and development opportunities, how to turn your challenges into successes and decisions about your career future.

• Personal inventory: where are you now?
• Your strengths
• Your ambition, success and happiness
• Your development opportunities
• Your challenges and hurdles, and your ways to handle them
• Your scenario

Targeted outcomes:
The decision and ability to define and make your next development step and/or career move. Possibly the solution to a problem you have been dealing with some time. Or the ability to perform at a higher professional level – it is up to you!

Work with Labrys!

If you want to understand how professional coaching can contribute to the increased effectiveness and success of yourself and your organisation, click here.